Gone are the days when you had to spend hundreds of dollars to purchase creams, serums, oils, and other products to reduce the signs of aging. These products contain certain chemicals that are ineffective at best, and harmful at worst. Now, people are turning to cosmetic dermatology – a multi-billion-dollar industry helping millions of people […]
Can I Bring My Baby to a Dermatologist?
While ensuring your baby has everything they need to develop and grow properly, you may be wondering about one aspect of their health, which is skin health. Just like teens and adults, babies can also suffer from skin issues, and certain conditions start being apparent before they reach the age of six. Common skin conditions […]
Cosmetic Dermatology Procedures Offered for Teens
The teenage years are among the most stressful when it comes to matters of the skin. Fluctuating hormones due to puberty and the stress of school and sports performance, as well as peer pressure at school can wreak havoc on your child’s skin. The best thing you can give your teen who is experiencing skin […]
Cosmetic Dermatology: An Essential in Achieving a Younger-looking Skin
Gone are the days when you had to spend hundreds of dollars to purchase creams, serums, oils, and other products to reduce the signs of aging. These products contain certain chemicals that are ineffective at best, and harmful at worst. Now, people are turning to cosmetic dermatology – a multi-billion-dollar industry helping millions of people […]
Birthmarks on Your Child that Can Be Dangerous
Birthmarks, as their name implies, are marks that can appear on the skin (epidermis) of a newborn. They can appear anywhere on the skin and vary in size, shape, and color. Even though they are mostly harmless, birthmarks on your child can be a reason for serious concern to you as a parent. An awkward […]