Every child has a birthmark, which is a congenital and benign irregularity on the epidermis. This mark commonly occurs at or right after birth. They can appear anywhere on the skin. Most birthmarks are permanent. However, some are temporary and fade when the child grows. Although birthmarks are usually harmless, some people like to remove […]
Helping Kids Deal with Birthmarks
If a child has a birthmark, it usually appears on the baby’s skin after birth – thus the name. In most cases, a birthmark is a harmless spot that adds to a child’s uniqueness and may even fade over time. The mark was likely checked by your pediatrician or obstetrician and determined to be a […]
Port-Wine Stains Tips for Parents
Port-wine stains aren’t carpet stains caused by a clumsy child spilling a cup of wine. Instead, this problem is a birthmark on the skin that looks dark red or purple, like a dark wine. These birthmarks can appear anywhere on your child’s skin. While they usually don’t pose a threat to your child, port-wine stains […]
What is a Birthmark?
Did you know all birthmarks are congenital even though they aren’t always visible at birth and may appear a few weeks or months after a baby is born? If your baby has birthmarks, in most cases, you don’t have to worry, because they are probably harmless. In most cases, birthmarks are not cancerous. A birthmark […]
How to Treat Port-Wine Stains
Capillary malformations, also called port-wine stains are a type of birthmark. They appear as red-pink stains on the skin and are vascular malformations, meaning they are physical manifestation of abnormal blood vessels on the skin. Roughly, one in 330 babies is born with a capillary malformation. Though some port-wine stains don’t appear until after birth, […]