Birthmarks are often considered a sign of beauty. It’s very difficult to find two people with the same birthmark, and because of this uniqueness, some people are fond of them. Birthmarks in children appear when a baby is born or soon after, and they display different characteristics. Salmon Patches Salmon patch birthmarks are a very […]
What is a Birthmark and Why Do You Get Them?
Birthmarks appear when a baby is born or soon after birth. They are called birthmarks because they appear at or close to birth. If you see a mark on your skin that wasn’t there before, it’s most likely a mole and not a birthmark. Many people consider birthmarks as beauty marks that can add uniqueness […]
What Is a Port-Wine Stain (PWS)?
No, it’s not a spill of wine on the couch or the carpet. Port-wine stain is a type of birthmark that appears due to blood vessel growth. The maroon-colored mark was named for the appearance that resembled wine spilled or splashed on the skin. Most spots start out as a light pink at birth, though […]