One of the most common skin conditions faced by teens is acne. Once a child hits puberty, they becomes prone to developing acne. Hormonal changes and overactive oil glands produce too much oil and cause acne by clogging up the skin’s pores. This acne shows up as bumps that may be pimples, whiteheads, blackheads, or cysts. […]
Dermatologist Annual Skin Exams
During the summer months, the Earth is tilted so that the northern hemisphere is experiencing much stronger sun exposure than in the wintertime. Here in South Florida, however, we get strong sun exposure all year long thanks to our closer proximity to the equator than most other states. Even if a Floridian is an indoors […]
What to Expect at Your First Dermatology Visit
Dermatological exams are fairly straightforward – yet children’s skin is a bit different than adult skin, so a dermatologist who is specially trained in both general dermatology and pediatric dermatology is ideal for taking care of the whole family. And having regular dermatology checkups is particularly important if you have skin cancer or melanoma in […]
Best Places to Buy Your Skin Care Products
If you’ve been trying to find the ultimate beauty products for your skin, you could be looking for skincare love in all the wrong places. If you’ve been struggling with acne, are looking for a real anti-aging regimen or just want a brighter, clearer complexion you need to drop the generic, drug-store products and walk […]
Is that a Bruise or Nail Fungus?
After proudly completing her first marathon, Jamie looked forward to soaking her tired feet in Epsom salts. But as she removed her shoes, then socks, she was surprised to find her big toenail was discolored with dark spots. She didn’t recall dropping anything on her foot, and certainly running 26.2 miles would cause some bruising. […]