Ever had red, inflamed, and painful skin after a day at the beach? If so, then like most Americans, you already know what it feels like to have a sunburn. In many cases, sunburns are mild skin conditions that are more of an annoyance than a real threat. However, intense and repeated sunburns can cause […]
sun protection
Is Expired Sunscreen Better than No Sunscreen?
Dermatologist and parents alike constantly reinforce the importance of sunscreen for unprotected or vulnerable skin. In recent years, sunscreens have become more sophisticated in their efforts to protect skin from the broad spectrum of the sun’s rays. Not only does sunscreen protect the skin from the sun’s harmful effects, it also prevents premature aging and […]
Dermatologist Annual Skin Exams
During the summer months, the Earth is tilted so that the northern hemisphere is experiencing much stronger sun exposure than in the wintertime. Here in South Florida, however, we get strong sun exposure all year long thanks to our closer proximity to the equator than most other states. Even if a Floridian is an indoors […]
Which Sunscreens Are Safe For Your Child
For many, sun-kissed bronze skin is a symbol of good health. And that may be true if the criteria means your child is spending more time outside than playing video games on the couch. However, sun exposure – especially at an early age – can result in long-term damage and health concerns. With each time […]
Keeping Your Skin Healthy In the Heat
Miami means glowing, gorgeous, and healthy skin. But all that time spent in the hot sun can make keeping your skin healthy in the heat challenging and your skin can be severely and irreversibly damaging if you’re not careful. You can help avoid the damaging effects of the sun with these healthy skin tips to […]